Think Management Consulting is a head hunting and consulting firm, serving clients and candidates all over Europe helping them to achieve their business and/or personal targets. We are committed to the highest professional and ethical standards combined with strong international and cross border expertise.
Our consulting practice is driven by fact oriented analysis combined with out of the box and cross industry thinking. We will always look for the best available facts and numbers and test them against our findings and recommendations. We think that calculations should support recommendations where possible even though we are very aware that statistics do not replace root cause analysis. Hence we always look for numbers and other facts that (might) explain things or allow proper forecasts, which is probably the most challenging exercise for researchers and analysts anyway.
We base our strengths on people with excellent track records in the commercial and public sector. We have a deep understanding of technology, technology markets and technology companies. We also are convinced that the right technology only is not enough, the right people and processes are the key success factors.
Catching one big fish can make your day, catching fish every day makes you a living.