Oscar Jager

Oscar Jager managing partner oscar jager is in the it and telecom industry since 1989 he has a long track record in consulting and management positions in large multinational and startup enterprises he worked 12 years for Siemens AG in a.o. Germany, Netherlands and the Philippines as consultant sales manager, corporate auditor and IT-director. Additional he worked in London UK for Clariteam SA in the executive management board with responsibility for all development and customer services. Clariteam is a Paris based company specialised in service level management solutions. After London Oscar managed the IT-operations for Tenovis later Avaya in Germany and Europe. Oscar founded Thinktank Management Consulting in 2006 and is managing it since then.

SInce more then years he is now consulting the high tech and IT industry by providing business analysis, proces optimising, strategic development and business operations expertise. He has been and is involved in projects Europe as well East Africa. He has driven ThinkTank’s consulting practise towards number and fact oriented analysis combined with out of the box and cross industry thinking. We call it Fact Based Brain Storming where one is stimulated to be creative but one shall differentiate between facts and ficton.

Oscar holds an Bsc in electronic engineering and an MBA.