
Apply for a job

If you are interested in one of the listed positions, then please choose one of the following options to contact us:

  • Call our office which is available 7 days a week from 9 am till 9 pm at +49 6196 202 1114.
    Our consultants will provide you guidance for further proceedings.
  • If you like to apply directly, then you can send an email to:

Long essays or introductions are not required, a CV is very welcome. Please do indicate how you would like us to contact you.

For any other inquiry you can send an email to Feel free to specify if, how and when we should (not) contact you.

Please note, we want to keep it as simple as possible for you. So keep it as short and simple as you like. Even sending just a link to your Xing or LinkedIn Profile will be enough for a first evaluation.

We look forward hearing from you.